Friday, August 31, 2007

Dolls in a Row

My fascination with the little Russian dolls, known as Matryoshka or "Little Mother", began a few years back when the pastor of our church returned from a trip to Russia and gave my mother a blue Matryoshka doll and a gold one for me.

I remember how delighted I was at the second grade Easter party when I found a nesting egg inside my treat bag with a little yellow chick in the very center. That egg is now and forever lost but I remember it fondly to this day.

And so I began reading these books to my little girls:
The Littlest Matryoshka by Corrine Bliss and Kathryn Brown

The Magic Nesting Doll by Jacqueline K. Ogburn/ Laurel Long

Sasha's Matrioshka Dolls by Jana Dillon/ Deborah Nourse Lattimore
...and buying more Matryoshka dolls for them to play with.


matryoshka said...
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matryoshka said...

Not wanting to sound like spam, I would like to invite you to my Matryoshka Store , where you will likely to find some affordable dolls for your kids.